
What happens when you stop eating desserts?

When you eliminate dessert after meals, you are significantly reducing the number of added sugars you consume in a day. People with high blood sugar levels (a symptom of diabetes) are at greater risk of producing advanced glycation end products or AGEs, which are inflammation-promoting compounds that are formed when protein or fat combine with sugars like glucose and fructose in the bloodstream. Granting yourself unconditional permission to eat the foods you enjoy can promote a better relationship with food. A small dessert consumed daily can be part of a healthy diet.

What happens when you stop eating desserts?

That's because, while rodents eat sugar when it's available, they don't seek it out when it's paired with an unpleasant stimulus like a shock, which is not the case with addictive drugs. But you may need more time to be ready to give yourself unconditional permission to eat sugar when you want it. When you stop consuming sugar, your hormones function better, including the hormones responsible for healthy, restorative sleep. Reduce inflammation, stop eating sugar, and you just might find the fountain of youth is no fantasyland.

For up to 5 hours after you’ve eaten a bunch of sugar, those cells are 50% less able to fight off bad bacteria.